MicroNova Becomes Newest Member of Familienpakt

Commitment to work-life balance

Vierkirchen near Munich, 31. March 2023

Since March 2023, MicroNova AG has been a member of "Familienpakt Bavaria". The initiative, which is supported in part by the Bavarian state government, aims to further strengthen the balance between family and work.

By joining the initiative, MicroNova underlines its commitment to creating a work environment for its employees in which they can find a good balance between work and private life. The company offers comprehensive conditions in this regard, especially highly flexible working: "We believe in trustful cooperation, and the success shows we and all those involved are right," explains Orazio Ragonesi, CEO of MicroNova AG. To meet these challenges, the company relies on individuality and self-determination, because in addition to job security, flexibility and a family-friendly nature, it is precisely these things that make a company attractive to its employees.

For example, for one 41-year-old father of three, transporting his family every day was a recurring challenge. MicroNova swapped his existing company car for a model that was not part of the fleet but that could easily accommodate three child seats in the back. A 42-year-old employee was able to take over the care of their parent following a serious accident immediately and without having to jump through bureaucratic hoops. Thanks to the possibility of remote working and maximum flexibility in terms of location and time, at her own request she was able to continue working full-time for MicroNova despite time-consuming doctor's and therapy appointments. A third example: young mothers in particular often have to accept interruptions to their careers due to maternity leave, but not at MicroNova. Here, a young mother and electrical engineering engineer was able to demonstrate her skills despite parental leave and part-time work and now successfully manages a software development team as a Group Manager.

„Partnerstein“ award

In 2019, MicroNova had already received the "Partnerstein" award from the Dachau regional associations of the Frauenunion (Women's Union), the Mittelstandsunion (Union of small and medium-sized businesses) and the Christlich-Soziale Arbeitnehmerunion (Christian-social employees' union) for its commitment to employees. The prize is awarded to companies in the district of Dachau that not only promote a good balance between family and career within the company, but also actively encourage it. This far-reaching flexibility and the trust in the team are the mainstay of a corporate policy that is consistent with the idea of Familienpakt Bayern (Family Pact Bavaria).

The Family Pact initiative, launched in 2015, follows the aim of the Bavarian state government, the Bayerische Industrie- und Handelskammertag (Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce), the Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (Bavarian Industry Association) and the Bayerische Handwerkstag (Bavarian Chamber of Crafts) to sharpen companies' appreciation of the balance between family and work. Participants in the pact receive incentives and specialist information to improve their internal family friendly nature. In addition, the Family Pact Bavaria enables companies to network with each other to exchange ideas.

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Orazio Ragonesi, CEO MicroNova AG
Presentation of Award Familienpakt Bayern

About MicroNova

MicroNova has been a software and systems vendor since 1987 and offers products, solutions and services in four business areas: testing of automotive electronicstechnology consulting, management of mobile radio and communication networks including energy management solutions based on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) as well as the distribution of IT, digitalization and project management solutions. 400 experts work with technological competence and passion at the headquarters in Vierkirchen near Munich and at eight other locations in Germany and the Czech Republic. Numerous customers such as Audi, BMW, Continental, Telefónica Germany, Vodafone Germany and Volkswagen rely on MicroNova's expertise.


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MicroNova AG
Unterfeldring 6
85256 Vierkirchen

    +49 8139 9300-0

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