Legal Regulations

Please see here for the Terms of Sale and Delivery and the General Conditions of Purchase of MicroNova AG, ks.MicroNova GmbH and cz.MicroNova s.r.o. (Czech Republic).

General Terms and Conditions of MicroNova AG / ks.Micronova GmbH, Germany

The following terms and conditions apply to sales and deliveries and work and service performances (hereafter collectively also referred to as merchandise) of the company MicroNova AG / ks.MicroNova GmbH (Seller) on the one part and Buyer on the other part.

§ 1 Conflicting General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions of Buyer, even if they are applied by Buyer at a later date and unless they are approved by Seller in writing, shall become integral part of the contract inasmuch as they do not contradict the present Terms of Sale and Delivery. Conflicting General Terms and Conditions shall not affect the validity of the contract concluded hereunder. As far as terms and conditions are contradictory, statutory rules shall apply.

§ 2 Offers for Sale, Conclusion of Contract, Offer-Sheet Documents
Seller's offers for sale are without any obligation and not binding. Buyer is committed to his order for 15 working days. Orders shall become binding for Seller once he confirms them in writing, or once Seller honors them by supplying the merchandise.
Seller's written acknowledgement of order determines the substance and extent of the performance to be rendered. Any and all agreements, no matter if they are made when concluding the contract or thereafter, require to be made in written form.
1. Verbal side agreements shall become legally binding provided they are confirmed by Seller in writing.
2. Technical advice is not subject matter of the contract; it is binding only if done in writing. Technical advice does not exempt Buyer from the obligation of an appropriate and professional use of Seller's products.
3. Buyer shall be solely responsible for the complete, accurate and timely supply of any and all documents to be provided or created by him necessary for the execution. If they are mailed to Seller electronically, they shall not be binding unless Seller has explicitly acknowledged their proper receipt.

§ 3 Prices, Terms of Payment
1. The prices quoted are unfixed prices and are ex factory, including loading in the factory, however, excluding any packaging. Seller will invoice shipping and packaging fees separately. All prices and fees are subject to the V.A.T. statutory at the day of delivery and shall be Buyer's responsibility.
In the event that between concluding the contract and delivery there happens to be an increase in costs for raw material, energy, wages or transportation, Seller shall be entitled to increase the corresponding prices provided that delivery is scheduled to be made after more than four months following the date of the contract and provided that Seller is not in delay of delivery at the time of the price increase. As far as price increases exceed 20 percent, it is at Buyer's discretion to cancel the contract. In the event that Buyer fails to accept the merchandise offered at the date mentioned in the confirmation of order, the prices prevailing at the time of delivery shall apply.
Inasmuch as Seller has undertaken the assembly or installation of the merchandise, and unless no other agreement has been reached, Buyer shall be responsible for any and all incidental cost, traveling expenses, transportation cost for the supporting tools, the baggage contained plus accommodation allowance in addition to the compensation agreed upon.
2. Seller's invoices become payable at his place of business within 30 calendar days following the delivery or partial delivery and date of invoice. There are no discounts or any other deductions granted.
If claims resulting from several deliveries and/or services do exist, it is at Seller's discretion to set-off monies received against any of the debts.
Should Buyer be in default of payment, Seller shall be entitled to request default interest of at least an amount equal to 8% above the prevailing basic interest rate and shall reserve the right of higher claims for damages caused by such default if such claims can be evidenced; Buyer shall have the burden of proof to evidence that Seller has not suffered a damage or has suffered a damage to a much lesser extent as a result of the default of payment.
Buyer shall be entitled to set-off claims only, if his counter-claims have been legally ascertained, if they are undisputable and acknowledged by Seller. Buyer's right of withholding payments is restricted to counter-claims arising from one and the same contractual relationship.
In the event that Buyer asserts a legal withholding right due to actually existing or alleged deficiencies, such legal withholding right shall be restricted to withholding an amount equal to cover the expenditure for repairing the alleged deficiencies and such amount in proportion to the total debt shall not impair good faith.
3. Should Buyer fail to comply with the terms of payment or should Seller, at any time after concluding the contract, become aware of circumstances which diminish Buyer's credit standing, any and all claims by Seller towards Buyer become payable with immediate effect. The same applies if Buyer discontinues payments, if he is heavily indebted, if insolvency proceedings over the assets of Buyer are opened or if such proceedings are refused due to insufficient assets. In such case Seller shall have the right to execute those services still to be rendered by requesting payment in advance or security and to cancel the contract after an appropriate grace period has elapsed without being held responsible for any compensation or claims for damages because of non-fulfillment; notwithstanding and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller shall be entitled, at Buyer’s cost, to request the return of the merchandise delivered under reserved ownership.
This does not apply, however, if the default of payment by Buyer is based on grounds of a justified complaint.
4. In the event that Buyer undertakes to cancel the contract for any reasons other than caused by Seller, Seller shall have the right, notwithstanding any and all other claims arising thereof, to charge Buyer for the technical and commercial processing with a share of costs equal to a flat rate of 10% of the purchasing price; Buyer shall have the burden of proof that no or costs to a much lesser extent have accrued to Seller as a result of canceling the contract.

§ 4 Delivery, Acceptance
1. Delivery:
a) The delivery is made in accordance with the offer-sheet or the confirmation of order. Unless a certain method of shipment has been agreed upon, it is at Seller's discretion to determine the means of transportation. If Buyer elects to collect the merchandise himself, it is his responsibility to check if the merchandise is loaded properly and to reprimand inadequacies in loading, if any, promptly.
b) Delivery dates and deadlines are subject to the uninterrupted production process and unhampered transportation- and delivery opportunities. Delivery dates agreed upon shall mean the dates when the merchandise is ready for collection or for delivery ex factory. Delivery deadlines shall commence with the dispatch of the confirmation of order, however, not prior to the receipt of relevant documents, permissions, releases or the submission of necessary information on Buyer's part or before the receipt of the down-payment agreed upon.
Seller's delivery obligation is suspended as long as Buyer is in default of any of his obligations that have become due.
c) Lack of raw materials or energy, strikes, lockouts, traffic break-downs and official decrees as well as infringements of delivery deadlines by subcontractors, malfunctions in production, all cases of force majeure and any and all circumstances beyond the control of Seller or his representatives shall release Seller from his delivery commitment as long as such circumstances prevail and as long as they affect his delivery obligation.
Should any of the afore-mentioned events occur, Seller - notwithstanding § 6 subparagraph 3. b of these General Terms and Conditions - shall have the right to cancel the contract without any claims for damages as long as the performance has become impossible or unreasonable or the end of the obstacle in rendering the services is unforeseeable.
d) Partial deliveries are permissible within the deadline specified by Seller as far as there will not emerge any disadvantages for their use. Complaints by Buyer arising from partial deliveries shall not release Buyer from his obligation to take delivery of the remaining quantities of the merchandise and/or partial services ordered pursuant to the contract.
2. Acceptance:
Should Buyer get in default of taking delivery or should he infringe any other duty to cooperate, it is at Seller's discretion to request a weekly compensation caused by the default equal to a flat rate of 3 % of the delivery value, such compensation, however, shall not exceed 15 % of the delivery value. Seller shall have the right to evidence a higher damage; Buyer shall have the burden of proof to evidence that Seller has not suffered a damage at all or has suffered a damage to a much lesser extent as a result of the default in taking delivery.
Should Buyer fail to take delivery of the services and/or products ready for dispatch on the delivery date agreed upon or within the delivery deadline, delivery shall be deemed to be accepted and approved after three weeks following the delivery-/dispatch date and/or after the deadline has elapsed, at the latest, however, at the date Buyer commences to use the services and/or products.

§ 5 Assignment of Risk, Place of Performance
1. The place of performance for the delivery and payment is the factory of Seller.
2. The risk of loss or destruction or the deterioration of the object of purchase is assigned to Buyer once the object of purchase is handed over to the carrier; if Seller uses his own vehicles for shipment, the risk is assigned to Buyer after loading in the factory has been completed. At this point of time the delivery is deemed to be fulfilled.

§ 6 Warranty, Claims for Damages
1. Buyer undertakes to complain and assert any claims by notifying Seller of any obvious defects, wrong deliveries, missing or excess quantities immediately in writing. Any complaints and alleged claims have to be made within the warranty period and, in any event, before the merchandise is processed, combined or mixed. Even hidden deficiencies have to be reported in written form immediately after their discovery, at the latest, however, before the warranty period has elapsed.
Seller's statements concerning suitability, workmanship and application of the merchandise, technical advice and other information are given to the best of Seller's knowledge, however, they do not release Buyer from own examinations and tests. Buyer undertakes to inspect the merchandise delivered immediately upon arrival to make sure that there are no deficiencies in terms of quality and purpose of use.
Seller shall be given the opportunity to inspect the deficiency and/or to have it inspected by his authorized specialists; Seller shall be entitled to these rights unless Buyer is able to substantiate that due to imminent danger emergency measures had to be seized. The payment of fees for an external consultant requires the prior written consent of Seller in each individual case.
2. The warranty for new merchandise is one year commencing on the date of delivery or installation by Seller. Used merchandise and/or materials are excluded from warranty.
3. Buyer shall be entitled to warranty claims pursuant to the following conditions:
a) Seller warrants that there are no defects in material- or workmanship which prevent the Software from executing its programming instructions as long as it is properly installed and used on the hardware specified by Seller. Furthermore, Seller warrants that the standard Software substantially conforms to the specifications. 

A minor departure from the specification shall not entitle Buyer to assert claims for defects as far as no operational disadvantages become apparent and as far as the purpose of the contract is not jeopardized. Seller does not warrant that the Software will work in combination of hardware and software selected by Buyer or that the Software will meet those requirements specified by Buyer.

b) If Buyer's claim is based on injury of life, body or health or the violation of cardinal duties, product liability or if the cause of damage is based on willfulness or gross negligence including willfulness or gross negligence on the part of Seller's representatives or subcontractors, the regulations statutory by law shall apply.
c) Seller at his discretion shall have the right to make free repairs or new deliveries or reproductions of all those parts or services which turn out to have a material defect within the statutory period of limitation provided that the cause of such material defect already existed at the time of the risk assignment. At first, Seller always shall be given the opportunity of post fulfillment within a reasonable period of time. In the event that after two repair attempts the removal of defects finally fails, it is at Buyer's discretion, notwithstanding any claims for damages, if any, according to subparagraph a), to cancel the contract or to diminish the compensation.
In case Buyer or third parties undertake inappropriate modifications or repair work, any claims for defects resulting thereof or resulting from the consequences thereof shall be refused.
Likewise, there shall be no claims for defects on Buyer's part for damages resulting from faulty or negligent handling, improper use and modifications of the Software following the assignment of risk.
In particular, this applies to Buyer's loss of data resulting thereof or from industrial accidents. Also excluded are claims for errors caused by negligent maintenance or calibration undertaken by Buyer or third parties. Besides, Seller shall not be held liable for any hardware, software or interfaces supplied by Buyer or third parties, neither is Seller liable for the improper operation beyond the specifications for the product, the improper use, misuse, negligence or accident in the sphere of Buyer, loss or damage during transportation or the improper preparation of the setup location by Buyer. 
Some newly produced merchandise may include reconditioned parts and after sales services may use reconditioned parts which correspond to new products in terms of their performance.
d) Claims for damages which Buyer is entitled to on grounds of damages of objects other than the subject matter of the contract are excluded unless the purpose of the contract is jeopardized and whose reimbursement shall be limited to an amount of up to 50,000.00 Euros only.
e) Claims by Buyer resulting from expenditure required for the purpose of post-fulfillment, in particular transportation costs, traveling expenses, wages and material costs, are excluded.
f) Further stipulations concerning claims for damages:
aa) Claims for damages and claims for compensation of expenses on part of Buyer, regardless on which legal ground, in particular caused by violation of obligations and tort, are excluded with the exception of the mandatory limitation of liability stipulated in § 6 subparagraph 3. b).
Seller, in particular, shall not be held liable for loss of profit, indirect or consequential damages including costs for downtimes, loss of data, costs for repairs or covering funds unless it is a matter of negligently violating essential contractual obligations which jeopardizes the purpose of the contract.
The claim for damage caused by the violation of essential contractual obligations, however, is limited to the foreseeable damage typical of a contract like this unless there is a case of willfulness or gross negligence on part of Seller, his representatives or subcontractors or unless the liability on grounds of injury of life, body or health becomes effective. The stipulations set forth hereinabove shall not evoke any change in the burden of proof to Buyer's disadvantage.
bb) Inasmuch as Buyer according to this subparagraph 3 is entitled to assert claims for damages, they become barred by the statute of limitations with the expiry of the limitation period relating to warranty claims in conformity with subparagraph 2 hereinabove; excluded hereof are any claims asserted from delict which are subject to the statutory limitation period.

§ 7 Impossibility, Adjustment of Contract, Penalties
1. To the extent that the delivery is impossible, Buyer shall have the right to request claims for damages unless the impossibility is beyond Seller's control. Buyer's claim for damage, however, is limited to an amount equal to 10% of the value of that part of delivery and/or service which on account of the impossibility cannot be used properly. Such limitation shall not apply in cases of willfulness or gross negligence on part of Seller, his representatives or subcontractors or in case of mandatory liability on grounds of injury of life, body or health; this shall not evoke any change in the burden of proof to Buyer's disadvantage. Buyer's right to cancel the contract remains unchanged. 
2. In the event that unforeseeable events as defined in § 4, subparagraph 1. c) of these Terms and Conditions considerably change the economic significance and/or the substance of the delivery/service or if such unforeseeable events have a major impact on Seller's corporate operations, the parties hereto agree to adapt the contract reasonably and in good faith. As far as this is not justifiable on account of economic reasons, Seller shall have the right to terminate the contract. Should Seller decide to make use of this right of termination, he undertakes to notify Buyer immediately after the significance of the event is recognized and in spite of the fact that a prolongation of the delivery schedule was agreed upon between the parties before.
3. Contractual penalties towards Seller shall become effective only if they are laid down in a separate written agreement in each individual case.

§ 8 Securing Rights, Reserved Ownership
1. The merchandise delivered remains the property of Seller until full payment of the accounts receivable by Seller resulting from the business relation with Buyer is made, regardless of their legal foundation or date of origin.
This stipulation also applies if single or total accounts receivable were included, their balance drawn and acknowledged in a current invoice. If checks are accepted, Seller reserves ownership until their encashment.
Buyer shall have the right to resell the merchandise that is under Seller's reserved ownership (i.e. merchandise sold by Seller subject to a retention of title) or to use it (combine, mix, process it) unless Buyer has assigned the claim resulting from a resale to a third party in advance and with binding effect. Furthermore, a resale is not permitted even if Buyer has reached an agreement with his customers that an assignment is prohibited. Buyer shall not be entitled to pledge the merchandise nor assign it for security interests.
2. Any processing of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership, which Buyer may undertake to create a new product, shall be made on behalf of Seller without causing him any liabilities. The new product shall be deemed to be made on behalf of Seller. In the event that the merchandise sold under reserved ownership becomes integral part of a homogeneously new product by combining it with other movable objects, or in the event that it is mixed inseparably with any other movable objects, Buyer now and in advance assigns the property right to Seller in the proportion of the value of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership and of the remaining products processed without the necessity of a separate declaration of assignment. This commitment shall become effective at the time the occasion arises.
Seller and Buyer agree to the assignment of the property right. Buyer agrees to keep the newly created movable objects, whose property rights are assigned to Seller, in custody free of charge for Seller. Buyer shall have the right to sell the objects referred to in his business routine. Buyer and/or resellers shall be bound under this contract to inform the purchaser of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership or the newly produced objects of Seller's existing property rights.
3. In the event that Buyer is in breach of contract, in particular in default of payment, Seller shall be entitled to the return of the object of purchase. Such actions and/or the seizure of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership shall not evoke the termination of the contract unless Seller explicitly declares so in writing. Seller shall be entitled to exploit the object of purchase after its return and the sales revenues derived thereof are credited to the accounts payable by Buyer less reasonable exploitation fees.
4. Upon request of Buyer, Seller agrees to release securities he is entitled to as far as the realizable value of his securities exceeds the claim to be secured by more than 20 %. It shall be at Seller's discretion to elect the securities to be released.

§ 9 Place of Jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction, including but not limited to legal actions with regard to drafts, checks and documents, shall be the Seller’s place of business in accordance with § 38 of the code of civil procedure provided that Buyer is a merchant or a person having equal status in conformity with § 38 I of the code of civil procedure or provided that Buyer has no general place of jurisdiction domestically and provided that his place of residence or his customary place of abode is moved abroad after concluding this contract or his place of residence or customary place of abode is unknown at the time of filing the action. Seller alternatively shall have the right to file for legal action at Buyer's place of business.

§ 10 Partial Invalidity
Should these General Terms and Conditions become invalid completely or in part, the remaining contract remains effective. In the event that one stipulation completely or in part becomes ineffective, the parties hereto will make immediate and best possible efforts to achieve the economical objective intended by the ineffective stipulation by replacing it with another, legally permissible instrument.

§ 11 Applicable Law
This contract shall be construed exclusively according to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany and excludes the United Nations' Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), even though Buyer’s place of business or place of residence is abroad.

Unterfeldring 17
D-85256 Vierkirchen
Phone: +49 (0) 81 39 / 93 00-0
Fax: +49 (0) 81 39 / 93 00-80
Email: info(at)

(as of: January 1, 2010)

General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of MicroNova AG / ks.MicroNova GmbH

§ 1 Validity
1. Any purchase of merchandise by MicroNova AG or ks.MicroNova GmbH (hereafter “Buyer“) shall be made exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
2. The following conditions of the Buyer shall apply to any contracts concluded between the Buyer and the Seller concerning the supply of merchandise. These conditions shall also apply to all future business relationships without the necessity of being agreed upon again. Any terms and conditions of the Seller other than those set forth in these present General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, even if exercised by the Seller at a later date, shall not be acknowledged unless the Buyer has expressly agreed so in writing on a case-by-case basis. An unconditional acceptance of any confirmation of order or delivery shall not be deemed an acknowledgement of the terms and conditions of the Seller.
3. Any conflicting General Terms and Conditions shall not affect the validity of the contract concluded. In case of conflicting conditions, the statutory provisions shall prevail.

§ 2 Conclusion of the Contract
1. Any and all orders of the Buyer as well as amendments and/or supplements to the orders require written form to become effective. Oral agreements of any kind - including subsequent amendments and supplements to the Buyer’s General Terms and Conditions - are subject to be confirmed in writing by the Buyer.
2. As far as the offers for the conclusion of a purchase contract (orders) of the Buyer do not expressly contain a commitment period, the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel its offer prior to the receipt of the Seller's declaration of acceptance in the event that the Seller fails to accept an order within 14 calendar days. The time at which the Buyer receives the Seller's declaration of acceptance shall be of essence for determining whether the order has been accepted in time.  

$ 3 Terms of Delivery
1. The delivery shall be made free of charge unless otherwise agreed upon. If no free delivery has been agreed upon, the Seller shall provide the merchandise in due course taking into account the time schedule to be coordinated with the carrier for loading and shipment.
2. Dispatch notes, waybills, invoices and all correspondence must include the order number of the Buyer. Each shipment must be accompanied by a delivery note with the order number and the name of the contents indicating type and quantity.
3. The Seller shall comply with the shipping instructions and provide proper and careful packaging. Any delivery by the Seller or its authorized third parties must be made within the business hours of the Buyer.
4. Any delivery dates and deadlines agreed upon are binding. The time at which the Buyer receives the merchandise shall be of essence for determining whether the delivery dates and deadlines agreed upon have been complied with. Besides, the Seller shall inform the Buyer immediately in writing should it become evident that the Seller is unable to meet the delivery dates agreed upon.
5. The unconditional acceptance of a late delivery or service does not constitute a waiver of any claim for compensation the Buyer is entitled to on account of late delivery or service.
6. Partial deliveries and premature deliveries are not allowed unless the Buyer has expressly agreed so or such deliveries are reasonably acceptable for the Buyer. A service nonetheless accepted shall not affect the terms of payment and due dates originally agreed upon.
7. In the event that the Seller intentionally or negligently fails to keep a delivery date fixed or fixable in a calendar, the Seller shall be deemed to be in default without further reminder or deadline. The time of default shall commence at the end of the day of a fixed delivery date, or at the end of the last working day of the week of a fixed calendar week, or at the end of the last working day of the month of a fixed calendar month. In case of default the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a penalty of an amount equal to 0.2 % for each working day exceeding the deadline but in no case more than a total of 5 % of the total net value of the order. The penalty shall be set off against the damages for default to be paid by the Seller.

§ 4 Terms of Payment, Non-Assignability
1. The price quoted by the Buyer in the order form is a binding fixed price including free delivery and packaging unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
2. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the Seller, payment shall be made upon receipt of the invoice and the merchandise not later than 45 days with a 3 % cash discount or not later than 60 days without any deductions.
3. The Buyer shall be fully entitled to the rights of set-off and lien as permitted by law. The Seller shall not be allowed to assign, pledge or otherwise dispose of any claims asserted by the Seller against the Buyer. 
4. Payments do not constitute any acknowledgement of the merchandise or services as provided in the contract. In case of defective or incomplete delivery or service, the Buyer shall be entitled, without prejudice to any of its other rights, to withhold payments on claims resulting from the business relationship up to a reasonable extent until proper fulfilment has been completed.

$ 5 Claims for Defects
1. Any claims for defects shall be deemed to be made in time if they are asserted against the Seller not later than 14 days following the delivery of the merchandise. In case of hidden defects, the notice period shall commence with the discovery of the defect.
2. The Buyer shall be entitled to the statutory rights of liability for defects against the Seller. The Seller is liable towards the Buyer to the extent permitted by law, including but not limited to wilfulness and any kind of negligence. In case of imminent danger or high urgency, the Buyer itself shall have the right to remove the defects at the expense of the Seller.
3. The statutory time limits in accordance with the statute of limitations for claims for defects shall apply. The removal of defects or any replacement shipment, including but not limited to a new installation, shall be made free of charge to the Buyer. All expenses arising to the Buyer in connection therewith shall be borne by the Seller. Any other claims for damages remain unaffected and in full force.
4. If the merchandise consists of used objects, the above mentioned sections 5.1. to 5.3. apply respectively.

§ 6 Liability
1. The Seller is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions, in particular for wilfulness and any kind of negligence. The liability cannot be limited in terms of a certain amount of money.

$ 7 Transfer of Risk, Retention of Title
1. The Seller shall bear the risk until the shipment is delivered to the Buyer. This provision also applies, if on a case-by-case basis a delivery "ex works" has been agreed upon, or should the Buyer have forwarded the shipment at its own expense.
2. The title to the delivered merchandise shall be transferred to the Buyer upon payment has been made. Any prolonged or extended retention of title is excluded.

§ 8 Place of Performance and Place of Jurisdiction
1. The place of performance for the delivery is the shipping address indicated in the order form of the Buyer. Place of payment and jurisdiction is the place of business of the Buyer, as far as permissible according to § 38 ZPO (German Code of Civil Procedure).

§ 9 Final Provisions
1. The relationship between the parties hereto shall be governed solely by the laws applicable in the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
2. Should any provision of the terms and conditions set forth hereinabove be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining General Terms and Conditions of Purchase and the contract. In this case, the statutory regulation shall apply.

General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of cz.MicroNova s.r.o.

§ 1 Validity
1. Any purchase of merchandise by cz.MicroNova s.r.o. (hereafter “Buyer“) shall be made exclusively on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
2. The following conditions of the Buyer shall apply to any contracts concluded between the Buyer and the Seller concerning the supply of merchandise. These conditions shall also apply to all future business relationships without the necessity of being agreed upon again. Any terms and conditions of the Seller other than those set forth in these present General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, even if exercised by the Seller at a later date, shall not be acknowledged unless the Buyer has expressly agreed so in writing on a case-by-case basis. An unconditional acceptance of any order confirmation or delivery shall not be deemed an acknowledgement of the terms and conditions of the Seller.
3. Any conflicting General Terms and Conditions shall not affect the validity of the contract concluded. In case of conflicting conditions, the statutory provisions shall prevail.

§ 2 Conclusion of the Contract
1. Any and all orders of the Buyer as well as amendments and/or supplements to the orders require written form to become effective. Oral agreements of any kind - including subsequent amendments and supplements to the Buyer’s General Terms and Conditions - are subject to be confirmed in writing by the Buyer.
2. As far as the offers for the conclusion of a purchase contract (orders) of the Buyer do not expressly contain a commitment period, the Buyer shall be entitled to cancel its offer prior to the receipt of the Seller's declaration of acceptance in the event that the Seller fails to accept an order within 14 calendar days. The time at which the Buyer receives the Seller's declaration of acceptance shall be of essence for determining whether the order has been accepted in time.

§ 3 Terms of Delivery
1. The delivery shall be made free of charge unless otherwise agreed upon. If no free delivery has been agreed upon, the Seller shall provide the merchandise in due course taking into account the time schedule to be coordinated with the carrier for loading and shipment.
2. Dispatch notes, waybills, invoices and all correspondence must include the order number of the Buyer. Each shipment must be accompanied by a delivery note with the order number and the name of the contents indicating type and quantity.
3 The Seller shall comply with the shipping instructions and provide proper and careful packaging. Any delivery by the Seller or its authorized third parties must be made within the business hours of the Buyer.
4. Any delivery dates and deadlines agreed upon are binding. The time at which the Buyer receives the merchandise shall be of essence for determining whether the delivery dates and deadlines agreed upon have been complied with. Besides, the Seller shall inform the Buyer immediately in writing should it become evident that the Seller is unable to meet the delivery dates agreed upon.
5. The unconditional acceptance of a late delivery or service does not constitute a waiver of any claim for compensation the Buyer is entitled to on account of late delivery or service.
6. Partial deliveries and premature deliveries are not allowed unless the Buyer has expressly agreed so or such deliveries are reasonably acceptable for the Buyer. A service nonetheless accepted shall not affect the terms of payment and due dates originally agreed upon.
7. In the event that the Seller intentionally or negligently fails to keep a delivery date fixed or fixable in a calendar, the Seller shall be deemed to be in default without further reminder or deadline. The time of default shall commence at the end of the day of a fixed delivery date, or at the end of the last working day of the week of a fixed calendar week, or at the end of the last working day of the month of a fixed calendar month. In case of default the Seller shall pay to the Buyer a penalty of an amount equal to 0.2 % for each working day exceeding the deadline but in no case more than a total of 5 % of the total net value of the order.

§ 4 Terms of Payment, Non-Assignability
1. The price quoted by the Buyer in the order form is a binding fixed price including free delivery and packaging unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
2. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the Seller, payment shall be made upon receipt of the invoice and the merchandise not later than 14 days with a 3 % cash discount or not later than 30 days without any deductions.
3. The Buyer shall be fully entitled to the rights of set-off and lien as permitted by law. The Seller shall not be allowed to assign, pledge or otherwise dispose of any claims asserted by the Seller against the Buyer.
4. Payments do not constitute any acknowledgement of the merchandise or services as provided in the contract. In case of defective or incomplete delivery or service, the Buyer shall be entitled, without prejudice to any of its other rights, to withhold payments on claims resulting from the business relationship up to a reasonable extent until proper fulfilment has been completed.

§ 5 Claims for Defects
1. Any claims for defects shall be deemed to be made in time if they are asserted against the Seller without unnecessary delay. In case of hidden defects, the notice period shall commence with the discovery of the defect.
2. The Buyer shall be entitled to the statutory rights of liability for defects against the Seller. The Seller is liable towards the Buyer to the extent permitted by law, including but not limited to wilfulness and any kind of negligence. In case of imminent danger or high urgency, the Buyer itself shall have the right to remove the defects at the expense of the Seller.
3. The statutory time limits in accordance with the statute of limitations for claims for defects shall apply. The removal of defects or any replacement shipment, including but not limited to a new installation, shall be made free of charge to the Buyer. All expenses arising to the Buyer in connection therewith shall be borne by the Seller. Any other claims for damages remain unaffected and in full force.
4. If the merchandise consists of used objects, the above mentioned sections 5.1. through 5.3. shall apply respectively.

§ 6 Liability and Sanctions
1. The Seller is liable in accordance with the statutory provisions, in particular for wilfulness and any kind of negligence. The liability cannot be limited in terms of a certain amount of money.
2. Contractual penalties pursuant to these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase shall become due within 10 days from the date of the receipt of the written computation unless otherwise agreed or stipulated. The amount of the contractual penalties according to these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase is appropriate, and by signing the contract or by accepting these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase the parties hereto waive the right to claim any reduction of the contractual penalty before court. Payment of a contractual penalty according to these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase does not affect any claim for damages which may arise as a result of any breach of duty by a contracting party. Any claims for damages shall remain unaffected by the contractual penalties.

§ 7 Transfer of Risk, Retention of Title
1. The Seller shall bear the risk until the shipment is delivered to the Buyer. This provision also applies, if on a case-by-case basis a delivery "ex works" has been agreed upon, or should the Buyer forward the shipment at its own expense.
2. The title to the delivered merchandise shall be transferred to the Buyer against delivery of the merchandise.

§ 8 Place of Performance and Place of Jurisdiction
1. The place of performance for the delivery is the shipping address indicated by Buyer in the order. Place of payment and jurisdiction is, insofar as permitted by the Czech Civil Code of Procedure, the registered office of the Buyer.

§ 9 Final Provisions
1. The relationship between the parties hereto shall be governed solely by the laws applicable in the Czech Republic, excluding the UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Any and all rights and obligations of the parties hereto which are not stipulated in these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase or in the contract, are governed by the Czech Civil Code.
2. Should any provision of the terms and conditions set forth hereinabove be or become invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining General Terms and Conditions of Purchase and the contract. In this case, the statutory regulation shall apply.

cz.MicroNova s.r.o.
Šafaríkova 277, Mladá Boleslav III
CZ-293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Tel: +420 326210135 (Office)
Tel: +420 777 638376 (Mobile)

District Court: City Court in Prague, C 277226
ID No.: 045 88 053
VAT ID No.: CZ04588053

The Seller accepts these General Terms & Conditions of Purchase of cz.MicroNova s.r.o. without any reservations.

Terms of Sale and Delivery of cz.MicroNova s.r.o. Czech Republic

§ 1 Conflicting General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions of Buyer, even if they are applied by Buyer at a later date and unless they are approved by Seller in writing, shall become integral part of the contract inasmuch as they do not contradict the present Terms of Sale and Delivery. Conflicting General Terms and Conditions shall not affect the validity of the contract concluded hereunder. As far as terms and conditions are contradictory, statutory rules shall apply.

§ 2 Offers for Sale, Conclusion of Contract, Offer Sheet Documents
Seller's offers for sale are without any obligation and not binding. Buyer is committed to his order for 15 working days. Orders shall become binding for Seller once he confirms them in writing, or once Seller honours them by supplying the merchandise.
Seller's written order confirmation determines the substance and extent of the performance to be rendered. Any and all agreements, no matter if they are made when concluding the contract or thereafter, require to be made in written form.
1. Verbal side agreements shall become legally binding provided they are confirmed by Seller in writing.
2. Technical advice is not subject matter of the contract; it is binding only if done in writing. Technical advice does not exempt Buyer from the obligation of an appropriate and professional use of Seller's products.
3. Buyer shall be solely responsible for the complete, accurate and timely supply of any and all documents to be provided or created by him necessary for the execution. If they are mailed to Seller electronically, they shall not be binding unless Seller has explicitly acknowledged their proper receipt.

§ 3 Prices, Terms of Payment
1. The prices quoted are unfixed prices and are ex-factory, including loading in the factory, however, excluding any packaging. Seller will invoice shipping and packaging fees separately. All prices and fees are subject to the V.A.T. statutory at the day of delivery and shall be Buyer's responsibility.
In the event that between concluding the contract and delivery there happens to be an increase in costs for raw material, energy, wages or transportation, Seller shall be entitled to increase the corresponding prices provided that delivery is scheduled to be made after more than four months following the date of the contract and provided that Seller is not in delay of delivery at the time of the price increase. As far as price increases exceed 20 percent, it is at Buyer's discretion to cancel the contract. In the event that Buyer fails to accept the merchandise offered at the date mentioned in the order confirmation, the prices prevailing at the time of delivery shall apply.
Inasmuch as Seller has undertaken the assembly or installation of the merchandise, and unless no other agreement has been reached, Buyer shall be responsible for any and all incidental cost, traveling expenses, transportation cost for the supporting tools, the baggage contained plus accommodation allowance in addition to the compensation agreed upon.
2. Seller's invoices become payable at his place of business within 30 calendar days following the delivery or partial delivery and date of invoice. There are no discounts or any other deductions granted.
If claims resulting from several deliveries and/or services do exist, it is at Seller's discretion to set-off monies received against any of the debts.
Should Buyer be in default of payment, Seller shall be entitled to request statutory default interest and shall reserve the right of higher claims caused by such default if such claims can be evidenced. In addition to the default interest Seller is entitled to demand and charge a contractual penalty in the amount equal to 0.05 % from the amount due for each day of default; Buyer shall have the burden of proof to evidence that Seller has not suffered a damage or has suffered a damage to a much lesser extent as a result of the default of payment.
Buyer shall be entitled to set-off claims only, if his counter-claims have been legally ascertained, if they are undisputable and acknowledged by Seller. Buyer's right of withholding payments is restricted to counter-claims arising from one and the same contractual relationship.
In the event that Buyer asserts a legal withholding right due to actually existing or alleged deficiencies, such legal withholding right shall be restricted to withholding an amount equal to cover the expenditure for repairing the alleged deficiencies and such amount in proportion to the total debt shall not impair good faith.
3. Should Buyer fail to comply with the terms of payment or should Seller, at any time after concluding the contract, become aware of circumstances which diminish Buyer's credit standing, any and all claims by Seller towards Buyer become payable with immediate effect. The same applies if Buyer discontinues payments, if he is heavily indebted, if insolvency proceedings over the assets of Buyer are opened or if such proceedings are refused due to insufficient assets. In such case Seller shall have the right to execute those services still to be rendered by requesting payment in advance or security and to cancel the contract after an appropriate grace period has elapsed without being held responsible for any compensation or claims for damages because of non-fulfilment; notwithstanding and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Seller shall be entitled, at Buyer’s cost, to request the return of the merchandise delivered under reserved ownership.
This does not apply, however, if the default of payment by Buyer is based on grounds of a justified complaint.
4. In the event that Buyer undertakes to cancel the contract for any reasons other than caused by Seller, Seller shall have the right, notwithstanding any and all other claims arising thereof, to charge Buyer for the technical and commercial processing with a share of costs equal to a flat rate of 10% of the purchasing price; Buyer shall have the burden of proof that no or costs to a much lesser extent have accrued to Seller as a result of cancelling the contract.

§ 4 Delivery, Acceptance
1. Delivery:
a) The delivery is made in accordance with the offer-sheet or the order confirmation. Unless a certain method of shipment has been agreed upon, it is at Seller's discretion to determine the means of transportation. If Buyer elects to collect the merchandise himself, it is his responsibility to check if the merchandise is loaded properly and to reprimand inadequacies in loading, if any, promptly.
b) Delivery dates and deadlines are subject to the uninterrupted production process and unhampered transportation- and delivery opportunities. Delivery dates agreed upon shall mean the dates when the merchandise is ready for collection or for delivery ex-factory. Delivery deadlines shall commence with the dispatch of the order confirmation, however, not prior to the receipt of relevant documents, permissions, releases or the submission of necessary information on Buyer's part or before the receipt of the down-payment agreed upon.
Seller's delivery obligation is suspended as long as Buyer is in default of any of his obligations that have become due.
c) Lack of raw materials or energy, strikes, lockouts, traffic break-downs and official decrees as well as infringements of delivery deadlines by subcontractors, malfunctions in production, all cases of force majeure and any and all circumstances beyond the control of Seller or his representatives shall release Seller from his delivery commitment as long as such circumstances prevail and as long as they affect his delivery obligation.
Should any of the afore-mentioned events occur, Seller - notwithstanding § 6 subparagraph 3. b of these General Terms and Conditions - shall have the right to cancel the contract without any claims for damages as long as the performance has become impossible or unreasonable or the end of the obstacle in rendering the services is unforeseeable.
d) Partial deliveries are permissible within the deadline specified by Seller as far as there will not emerge any disadvantages for their use. Complaints by Buyer arising from partial deliveries shall not release Buyer from his obligation to take delivery of the remaining quantities of the merchandise and/or partial services ordered pursuant to the contract.
2. Acceptance:
Should Buyer get in default of taking delivery or should he infringe any other duty to cooperate, it is at Seller's discretion to request a weekly compensation caused by the default equal to a flat rate of 3 % of the delivery value, such compensation, however, shall not exceed 15 % of the delivery value. Seller shall have the right to evidence a higher damage; Buyer shall have the burden of proof to evidence that Seller has not suffered a damage at all or has suffered a damage to a much lesser extent as a result of the default in taking delivery.
Should Buyer fail to take delivery of the services and/or products ready for dispatch on the delivery date agreed upon or within the delivery deadline, delivery shall be deemed to be accepted and approved after three weeks following the delivery-/dispatch date and/or after the deadline has elapsed, at the latest, however, at the date Buyer commences to use the services and/or products.

§ 5 Assignment of Risk, Place of Performance
1. The place of performance for the delivery and payment is the place of business or the factory of Seller.
2. The risk of loss or destruction or the deterioration of the object of purchase is assigned to Buyer once the object of purchase is handed over to the carrier; if Seller uses his own vehicles for shipment, the risk is assigned to Buyer after loading in the factory has been completed. At this point of time the delivery is deemed to be fulfilled.

§ 6 Warranty, Claims for Damages
1. Buyer undertakes to complain and assert any claims by notifying Seller of any obvious defects, wrong deliveries, missing or excess quantities immediately in writing. Any complaints and alleged claims have to be made within the warranty period and, in any event, before the merchandise is processed, combined or mixed. Even hidden deficiencies have to be reported in written form immediately after their discovery, at the latest, however, before the warranty period has elapsed.
Seller's statements concerning suitability, workmanship and application of the merchandise, technical advice and other information are given to the best of Seller's knowledge, however, they do not release Buyer from own examinations and tests. Buyer undertakes to inspect the merchandise delivered immediately upon arrival to make sure that there are no deficiencies in terms of quality and purpose of use.
Seller shall be given the opportunity to inspect the deficiency and/or to have it inspected by his authorized specialists; Seller shall be entitled to these rights unless Buyer is able to substantiate that due to imminent danger emergency measures had to be seized. The payment of fees for an external consultant requires the prior written consent of Seller in each individual case.
2. The warranty for new merchandise is one year commencing on the date of delivery or installation by Seller. Used merchandise and/or materials supplied are excluded from warranty.

3. Buyer shall be entitled to warranty claims pursuant to the following conditions:
a) Seller warrants that there are no defects in material or workmanship which prevent the Software from executing its programming instructions as long as it is properly installed and used on the hardware specified by Seller. Furthermore, Seller warrants that the standard Software substantially conforms to the specifications. A minor departure from the specification shall not entitle Buyer to assert claims for defects as far as no operational disadvantages become apparent and as far as the purpose of the contract is not jeopardized. Seller does not warrant that the Software will work in combination of hardware and software selected by Buyer or that the Software will meet those requirements specified by Buyer.
b) If Buyer's claim is based on injury of life, body or health or the violation of cardinal duties, product liability or if the cause of damage is based on wilfulness or gross negligence including wilfulness or gross negligence on the part of Seller's representatives or subcontractors, the regulations statutory by law shall apply.

c) Seller at his discretion shall have the right to make free repairs or new deliveries or reproductions of all those parts or services which turn out to have a material defect within the statutory period of limitation provided that the cause of such material defect already existed at the time of the risk assignment. At first, Seller always shall be given the opportunity of post fulfilment within a reasonable period of time. In the event that after two repair attempts the removal of defects finally fails, it is at Buyer's discretion, notwithstanding any claims for damages, if any, according to subparagraph a), to cancel the contract or to diminish the compensation.
In case Buyer or third parties undertake inappropriate modifications or repair work, any claims for defects resulting thereof or resulting from the consequences thereof shall be refused.
Likewise, there shall be no claims for defects on Buyer's part for damages resulting from faulty or negligent handling, improper use and modifications of the Software following the assignment of risk.
In particular, this applies to Buyer's loss of data resulting thereof or from industrial accidents. Also excluded are claims for errors caused by negligent maintenance or calibration undertaken by Buyer or third parties. Besides, Seller shall not be held liable for any hardware, software or interfaces supplied by Buyer or third parties, neither is Seller liable for the improper operation beyond the specifications for the product, the improper use, misuse, negligence or accident in the sphere of Buyer, loss or damage during transportation or the improper preparation of the setup location by Buyer.  
Some newly produced merchandise may include reconditioned parts and after sales services may use reconditioned parts which correspond to new products in terms of their performance.
d) Claims for damages which Buyer is entitled to on grounds of damages of objects other than the subject matter of the contract are excluded unless the purpose of the contract is jeopardized and whose reimbursement shall be limited to an amount of up to 50,000.00 Euros only.
e) Claims by Buyer resulting from expenditure required for the purpose of post-fulfilment, in particular transportation costs, traveling expenses, wages and material costs, are excluded.
f) Further stipulations concerning claims for damages:
aa) Claims for damages and claims for compensation of expenses on part of Buyer, regardless on which legal ground, in particular caused by violation of obligations and tort, are excluded with the exception of the mandatory limitation of liability stipulated in § 6 subparagraph 3. b).
Seller, in particular, shall not be held liable for loss of profit, indirect or consequential damages including costs for downtimes, loss of data, costs for repairs or covering funds unless it is a matter of negligently violating essential contractual obligations which jeopardizes the purpose of the contract.
The claim for damage caused by the violation of essential contractual obligations, however, is limited to the foreseeable damage typical of a contract like this unless there is a case of wilfulness or gross negligence on part of Seller, his representatives or subcontractors or unless the liability on grounds of injury of life, body or health becomes effective. The stipulations set forth hereinabove shall not evoke any change in the burden of proof to Buyer's disadvantage.
bb) Insofar as Buyer is entitled to claims for damages pursuant to this subparagraph 3, such claims for damages shall become statute-barred after expiry of the statutory period of limitation applicable to claims for defects.

§ 7 Impossibility, Adjustment of Contract, Penalties
1. To the extent that the delivery is impossible, Buyer shall have the right to request claims for damages unless the impossibility is beyond Seller's control. Buyer's claim for damage, however, is limited to an amount equal to 10% of the value of that part of delivery and/or service which on account of the impossibility cannot be used properly. Such limitation shall not apply in cases of wilfulness or gross negligence on part of Seller, his representatives or subcontractors or in case of mandatory liability on grounds of injury of life, body or health; this shall not evoke any change in the burden of proof to Buyer's disadvantage. Buyer's right to cancel the contract remains unchanged.
2. In the event that unforeseeable events as defined in § 4, subparagraph 1. c) of these Terms and Conditions considerably change the economic significance and/or the substance of the delivery/service or if such unforeseeable events have a major impact on Seller's corporate operations, the parties hereto agree to adapt the contract reasonably and in good faith. As far as this is not justifiable on account of economic reasons, Seller shall have the right to terminate the contract. Should Seller decide to make use of this right of termination, he undertakes to notify Buyer immediately after the significance of the event is recognized and in spite of the fact that a prolongation of the delivery schedule was agreed upon between the parties before.
3. Contractual penalties towards Seller shall become effective only if they are laid down in a separate written agreement in each individual case. The contractual penalties pursuant to these General Terms and Conditions shall become due within 10 days from the date of the receipt of the written computation unless otherwise agreed or stipulated. The amount of the contractual penalties according to these General Terms and Conditions is appropriate, and by signing this contract the parties hereto waive the right to claim any reduction of the contractual penalty before court. Payment of a contractual penalty according to these General Terms and Conditions does not affect any claim for damages which may arise as a result of any breach of duty by a contracting party.
4. The period of limitation of the claims of Seller arising from the contractual relationship with Buyer is 5 years in accordance with § 630 para. 1 Civil Code.

§ 8 Securing Rights, Reserved Ownership
1. The merchandise delivered remains the property of Seller until full payment of the accounts receivable by Seller resulting from the business relation with Buyer is made, regardless of their legal foundation or date of origin.
This stipulation also applies if single or total accounts receivable were included, their balance drawn and acknowledged in a current invoice. If checks are accepted, Seller reserves ownership until their encashment.
Buyer shall have the right to resell the merchandise that is under Seller's reserved ownership (i.e. merchandise sold by Seller subject to a retention of title) or to use it (combine, mix, process it) unless Buyer has assigned the claim resulting from a resale to a third party in advance and with binding effect. Furthermore, a resale is not permitted even if Buyer has reached an agreement with his customers that an assignment is prohibited. Buyer shall not be entitled to pledge the merchandise nor assign it for security interests.
2. Any processing of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership, which Buyer may undertake to create a new product, shall be made on behalf of Seller without causing him any liabilities. The new product shall be deemed to be made on behalf of Seller. In the event that the merchandise sold under reserved ownership becomes integral part of a homogeneously new product by combining it with other movable objects, or in the event that it is mixed inseparably with any other movable objects, Buyer now and in advance assigns the property right to Seller in the proportion of the value of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership and of the remaining products processed without the necessity of a separate declaration of assignment. This commitment shall become effective at the time the occasion arises.
Seller and Buyer agree to the assignment of the property right. Buyer agrees to keep the newly created movable objects, whose property rights are assigned to Seller, in custody free of charge for Seller. Buyer shall have the right to sell the objects referred to in his business routine. Buyer and/or resellers shall be bound under this contract to inform the purchaser of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership or the newly produced objects of Seller's existing property rights.
3. In the event that Buyer is in breach of contract, in particular in default of payment, Seller shall be entitled to request the return of the object of purchase. Such actions and/or the seizure of the merchandise sold under reserved ownership shall not evoke the termination of the contract unless Seller explicitly declares so in writing. Seller shall be entitled to exploit the object of purchase after its return and the sales revenues derived thereof are credited to the accounts payable by Buyer less reasonable exploitation fees.
4. Upon request of Buyer, Seller agrees to release securities he is entitled to as far as the realizable value of his securities exceeds the claim to be secured by more than 20 %. It shall be at Seller's discretion to elect the securities to be released.

§ 9 Place of Jurisdiction
The place of jurisdiction, including but not limited to legal actions with regard to bills of exchange, checks and certificates is, insofar as permitted by the Czech Civil Code of Procedure, the registered office of the Seller in Liberec. Seller alternatively shall have the right to file for legal action at Buyer's place of business.

§ 10 Partial Invalidity
Should these General Terms and Conditions become invalid completely or in part, the remaining contract remains effective. In the event that one stipulation completely or in part becomes ineffective, the parties hereto will make immediate and best possible efforts to achieve the economical objective intended by the ineffective stipulation by replacing it with another, legally permissible instrument.

§ 11 Applicable Law
This contract shall be construed exclusively according to the laws of the Czech Republic and excludes the United Nations' Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), even though Buyer’s place of business or place of residence is abroad. Any and all rights and obligations of the parties hereto which are not stipulated in these General Terms and Conditions or in the contract, are governed by the Czech Civil Code.

cz.MicroNova s.r.o.
Šafaríkova 277, Mladá Boleslav III
CZ-293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Tel: +420 326210135 (office)
Tel: +420 777 638376 (mobile)

District court: City court Prague, C 277226
Id.No.: 045 88 053
VAT-No.: CZ04588053

(as of: 01 September 2017)

Software License Terms for Testing Solutions

The use of this software is subject to license limitations. Make sure to read these terms of license carfully before installing the software.

This license constitutes a legal agreement regarding the use of Software between you, the end user, both as individual and as an authorized representative of your company acquiring this license (hereinafter referred to as ‘User’), on the one part, and MicroNova AG on the other part. MicroNova AG shall be entitled to act directly or through its affiliates (ks.MicroNova GmbH and cz.MicroNova s.r.o.) (hereafter referred to as ‘MicroNova’). The Terms of License shall also apply to all modifications, updates and new releases of the Software which MicroNova makes available to you unless the Terms of License have been changed at the time the service is rendered. Any customized developments are excluded from this Agreement and shall be governed by separate agreements.


§ 1 Rights of Use

(1) For the Software and its documentation MicroNova grants the User a paid, non-exclusive right of use (license), transferable solely within the limitations of § 1 Section 9 hereafter and on condition that full payment of the amount invoiced is made. As far as the User acquires new versions, updates, upgrades, patches, further developments or other modifications of the Software, the Software License Terms shall also apply. Customized developments are subject to other terms and conditions to be agreed upon separately by the parties.

(2) MicroNova grants the User a perpetual right of use (perpetual license) unless explicitly agreed upon otherwise in the offer sheet (e.g. time limit).

(3) Depending on the Software purchased, MicroNova provides the following license categories:

‘Dongle License’: It allows the User to use one copy of the Software on a single computer without being bound to a specific computer. The use of the Software on this computer is authorized via a dongle to be plugged into a USB port of this computer. "Dongle" is a piece of hardware that is connected to a computer and serves as copy protection or digital computer administration for the authentication of the installed Software.
‘Computer-Bound License’: It allows the User to use one copy of the Software and is bound to a specific computer. The User may install and use each copy of the Software only on a single, specific computer.
‘Floating Network License’: It allows the User to use one or more copies of the Software on several computers. The concurrent use is limited only by the number of purchased licenses on the license server. The Floating Network License authorizes the use of the Software with the help of the license server and the license files. Unless expressly agreed upon otherwise with MicroNova, Floating Network Licenses may only be used in that country where they had been purchased (in larger countries, the appropriate time zone is of essence). The use of a centrally installed license outside the country of installation is not permitted. 
‘Evaluation License’: It allows the User to install and use only a limited number of copies of the Software for evaluation and testing purposes. This license is granted for a limited period of time to be agreed upon and is subject to the following conditions: 
- This license is not permitted to be assigned to third parties, including but not limited to other Group companies, and may not be used for commissioned work or in any other way whatsoever for the benefit of third parties. 
- The User shall not be entitled to pass on any test results obtained with the Evaluation License to third parties without the prior written consent of MicroNova. 
- In the event that an Evaluation License has been granted free of charge, the rights governing deficiencies (warranty) in accordance with § 2 hereafter shall be excluded and the liability of MicroNova shall be limited to intent and gross negligence. 
- After expiration of the license period agreed upon in the Evaluation License, the User is obligated to uninstall the Software and send MicroNova a written confirmation of having done so.
(4) The amount of the license fee is based, among other things, on the license period and the category of the license agreed upon.

(5) The supply of the source code does not form part of the terms of delivery.

(6) The User shall not be entitled to carry out any changes, translations or further duplications (exceeding those set forth in §1, Section 3 hereinabove) of the Software, neither in part nor temporarily, of any kind and by any means whatsoever. Even the printout of the program code shall be deemed an unauthorized duplication. Modifications to which MicroNova cannot refuse the consent in good faith (§ 39 Section 2 of the German Copyright Act) are permissible. The provision of § 69e of the German Copyright Act remains unaffected.

(7) An additional license fee is payable for using the provided Software on another workstation and / or computer system. The use of the Software on a so-called multiple-user system and/or in a network is permitted on the basis of a separate agreement and upon payment of the corresponding license fee(s). The same applies to the use of the Software by way of virtualization on remote computers.

(8)    Unless otherwise stated, MicroNova is the owner of all intellectual property rights to the Software as well as the associated user documentation. References to copyrights or intellectual property rights attached on or in the Software may not be altered, removed or otherwise made unidentifiable. The stipulations set forth in § 3 hereafter need to be observed.

(9)    With regard to the Software and Software components of third parties that form part of the delivery and services to be provided by MicroNova (third-party Software), the Terms of License of the third party attached to this third-party Software shall apply. The Terms and Conditions for each third-party Software are supplied together with the Software.

(10)    The User shall not be entitled to rent, lend or give away the Software. Any transfer of the license to the Software for the purpose of a permanent transfer to a third party requires that MicroNova shall be informed in beforehand and is permissible only if the third party agrees to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement in writing, and under the premises that the User does not retain any copies of the Software (including but not limited to any previous versions).

(11)    The User shall not be entitled to any reverse engineering, decompilation or disassembly of the Software. In addition, §§ 69d, 69e of the German Copyright Act shall apply.

§ 2 Warranty

(1) MicroNova warrants - in accordance with the provisions of §§ 434 ff. of the German Civil Code - that the Software complies with the specifications itemized in the associated program documentation and that the Software has been created with the necessary care and expertise. Nonetheless, according to the current state of the art, it is impossible to completely exclude software errors.

(2) MicroNova will eliminate software errors that more than just slightly affect the intended use. Troubleshooting will be performed at the discretion of MicroNova, depending on the significance of the error, by providing an improved version of the Software or by instructions for eliminating or circumventing the effects of the failure (workaround). The User is obligated to accept a new Software version offered by MicroNova within the framework of the error correction, unless such new Software version causes User unreasonable adjustment and conversion problems.

(3) In the event that the error correction fails, it is at the discretion of the User to request a reduction of the license fee or terminate the Agreement. Upon termination of the Agreement, the User shall return the data carrier with the defective Software as well as the associated documentation to MicroNova and destroy all existing copies, if any.

(4)    The warranty period is 12 months from the date of supply of the Software.

(5) To assert any warranty claims, it is of essence that MicroNova shall be notified in written or in text form of the deficiencies within two weeks after such deficiencies have emerged for the first time.

§ 3 Property Rights of Third Parties

(1)    In the event that a third party asserts any claims against the User for infringement of intellectual property rights caused by the Software supplied by MicroNova and if the use of the Software is thereby impaired or prohibited, MicroNova shall be liable as follows:
MicroNova shall, at its discretion and expense, either modify or replace the contractual Software with the effect that it does not infringe the intellectual property right, but substantially conforms to the agreed functional and performance features in a manner acceptable to the User; or exempt the User from license fees for the use of the Software against the property right holder or authorized third parties. Should MicroNova fail to do so on reasonable terms, MicroNova shall notify the User and prohibit the use of the Software with immediate effect. The User is obligated, at MicroNova's option, to either erase the Software, including the documentation and all copies, or return the products to MicroNova. The User shall notify MicroNova in writing and confirm the destruction, erasure and / or elimination, if so decided.

(2)    For MicroNova to assume any liability according to § 3 Section 1 hereinabove it is of essence that the User immediately notifies MicroNova of any claims asserted by a third party, that the User does not acknowledge the alleged infringement of property rights and leaves any dispute, including possible out-of-court settlements, either to MicroNova or only handles such disputes in agreement with MicroNova. The necessary court and attorney's fees incurred by the User on account of the legal defence are to be borne by MicroNova. Should the User discontinue the use of the Software for reasons of mitigation or other good causes, the User is obligated to inform the third party that the discontinuation of use does not entail an acknowledgment of the alleged infringement of property rights.

(3)    Insofar as it is the User, who is responsible for the infringement of property rights, any claims against MicroNova are excluded.

(4)    Further claims of the User due to an infringement of property rights of third parties are excluded; this shall not apply in the case of intent or gross negligence and injury to life, body or health.

§ 4 Liability

(1)    MicroNova is liable for damages caused by the absence of properties that had been assured by MicroNova, as well as for damages caused by MicroNova intentionally or through gross negligence.

(2)    MicroNova's liability for minor negligence is restricted to claims based on the violation of substantial contractual obligations, the fulfilment of which allows the proper execution of the Agreement in the first place and on whose compliance the User may regularly rely upon. In case of minor negligence, the liability is limited to the amount of the foreseeable damage that could typically be expected to arise, an amount equal to a maximum of EUR 500,000 per claim for damage, however, and not exceeding a ceiling of EUR 1,000,000. The liability for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health and the regulations pursuant to the German Product Liability Act remain unaffected.

(3)    MicroNova shall not be liable for the recovery of data unless MicroNova has caused their destruction by gross negligence or intent, and the User has ensured that such data may be reconstructed from data held in machine-readable form at reasonable cost and effort.

(4)    The User is aware that under the obligation to mitigate damages a regular backup of the data is required and agrees to take all reasonable additional security measures in the event of a suspected Software error. In the case of loss of data, MicroNova shall only be liable for the recovery effort that would have been incurred anyway as a result of a regular and effective backup.

§ 5 Software Maintenance

The maintenance of the Software is governed exclusively by the provisions of a separate Software Maintenance Agreement.

§ 6 Final Provisions

(1)    The assignment of non-monetary claims requires the prior written consent of the other party hereto, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

(2)    A right of retention can only be exercised in so far as the counterclaims are based on the same contractual relationship.

(3)    The remuneration calculated by MicroNova is subject to payment of the statutory Value Added Tax and other taxes or banking fees. If the User in international payment transactions is obligated to withhold or deduct part of the payment due to MicroNova, the User agrees to increase the amount payable to MicroNova to the extent permitted by law to ensure that MicroNova receives the remuneration which lacking the withheld amount or deduction would have become payable on the part of the User.

(4)    Side agreements to this Agreement do not exist. Any changes and amendments to this Agreement require written form. This also applies to the repeal of this written form clause.

(5)    Should any provision of this Agreement be or become ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected. Such provision should rather be replaced by a provision that is legally permissible and comes closest to the purpose and intent of the original provision.

(6)    The place of fulfilment for all services to be rendered by MicroNova under this Agreement shall be the registered office of MicroNova, unless the fulfilment by the very nature of the matter has to take place at another location. Exclusive place of jurisdiction is Ingolstadt.

(7)    The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively with the exception of the UN Purchase Law.

Czech version of our terms & conditions and software license terms

A Czech translation of our General terms and conditions as well as the software license terms for testing solutions for cz.MicroNova s.r.o., Czech Republic can be found here.


Contract conditions for training

§ 1 Subject Matter
1. MicroNova conducts open and in-house training sessions either online or at the customer’s premises.
2. At the customer’s request, MicroNova also provides individual exclusive training sessions. Details will be agreed upon separately.

§ 2 Registration / Fees / Invoicing
1. Registration for the training courses can only be done in writing via the mailbox resp. MicroNova will provide a corresponding offer for the training.
2. The offer must be accepted through an official purchase order from the customer.
3. The offer must be accepted by the date specified by MicroNova through a written purchase order; otherwise, MicroNova is entitled to allocate the training places elsewhere.
4. Invoices for open training courses are issued after the training course has been held. The payment term is 30 days net without deductions.
5. Invoices for in-house training courses are issued after the training course has been held. The payment term is 30 days net without deductions. For new customers, MicroNova reserves the right to issue the invoice upon receipt of the purchase order and prior to the training. The payment term is 30 days net without deductions.
6. Individual exclusive training sessions are billed upon receipt of a written purchase order. The payment term is 14 days net without deductions.

§ 3 Cancellation
1. Notices of cancellation must be in writing.
2. The following applies to open training courses: Registration may be canceled free of charge up to 30 days before start of the training course. For cancellations between 30 and 15 days before the training starts, a cancellation fee of €120.00 per participant shall be charged. For later cancellations (from 14 days before the start of the course) or non-attendance, the full participation fee shall be charged. It is possible to nominate a replacement participant at any time. In this case there is no cancellation fee.
3. The following applies to in-house training courses: The reservation may be canceled free of charge up to 30 days before the training starts. For cancellations between 30 and 15 days before the training, we will charge a cancellation fee of 50% plus VAT unless the training date is rescheduled by mutual agreement. For later cancellations (from 14 days before the training), the full training fee shall be charged unless the training date is rescheduled by mutual agreement.
4. The following applies to individual exclusive training courses: The customer can cancel the training up to 60 days before the start of the training course at the latest. If canceled later, MicroNova will charge 50% of the agreed remuneration plus VAT, unless the training date is rescheduled by mutual agreement. For cancellations from 14 days before the start of training, MicroNova will charge the full fee unless the training date is rescheduled by mutual agreement.

5. MicroNova reserves the right to cancel for organizational reasons (such as last-minute illness of instructors). In case of cancellation by MicroNova, we will make efforts to agree on a new date. Otherwise, the customer will receive a refund of the fees paid; no further claims shall exist.
6. MicroNova reserves the right to cancel an event at any time if the required minimum number of participants is not reached. In this case, MicroNova will offer a place in one of the following training sessions as an alternative.

§ 4 Rights to Documents
1. All rights, including the right of translation, reproduction, and duplication of training materials or parts thereof, are reserved by us. No part of the materials – even in part – may be reproduced, processed, duplicated, distributed, or used for public presentations without written permission from MicroNova, in particular for instructional purposes using electronic systems.

§ 5 Liability
1. The General Terms and Conditions of MicroNova AG apply.

§ 6 Confidentiality
1. MicroNova obliges its employees to maintain confidentiality.
2. MicroNova may include the customer’s name and a brief description of the services provided in a list of references. All other advertising references to the customer will be coordinated with the customer beforehand.

§ 7 Final Provisions
1. In MicroNova’s training sessions, lessons and exercises are designed to allow attentive participants to achieve the objectives of the seminar. However, MicroNova is not liable for the success of the training.
2. MicroNova makes no guarantee that the products, procedures, and other names discussed during the training are free from third-party intellectual property rights.
3. After a training session has been completed, MicroNova offers the opportunity for certification. Successfully completing a training session does not guarantee successful certification.
4. The contract and its amendments require the written form. If individual provisions of this contract are legally invalid, the validity of the remaining contract remains unaffected. The parties are obliged to replace an invalid provision with an effective substitute provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same applies to unintended gaps.
5. German law applies exclusively, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG) – even if the buyer’s registered office or residence is abroad.


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MicroNova - Contact

MicroNova AG
Unterfeldring 6
85256 Vierkirchen

    +49 8139 9300-0

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