Compliance & Governance

A matter of course for MicroNova


MicroNova has developed its own compliance management system that ensures compliance with existing legal requirements and monitors the strict implementation of MicroNova’s own policies. Correct, responsible behavior is our highest priority; at the same time, we expect our partners and suppliers to act accordingly themselves.

MicroNova’s compliance management system creates the prerequisites so that:

  • compliance requirements are taken into account and applied (applicable rules, whether legal, regulatory or internal),
  • violations of compliance requirements can be avoided or significantly obstructed, and
  • any violations that have occurred can be identified and dealt with.

Compliance process

Our compliance management system applies to all locations and to all employees without exception. The relevant company divisions are the commercial department including Purchasing, Controlling, Human Resources, Facility Management with particular focus on occupational safety, sales, products, and of course information security, data protection and company-wide IT.

MicroNova has created the necessary control mechanisms and processes to ensure that compliance obligations in the divisions are identified, made known and upheld. Clearly defined testing and reporting processes and contact persons ensure that any compliance violations can be resolved quickly and comprehensively.

Here you will find the option to report a compliance violation or information security incident. Prevention is always our top priority.

Management’s commitment

This goes hand-in-hand with a voluntary commitment on the part of management to participate continuously and actively in the creation and development of the compliance management system by:

  • setting compliance targets
  • creating a compliance culture
  • assessing the risk analysis
  • reviewing the system from a management perspective
  • providing appropriate communication and setting a good example
At MicroNova, we have always combined the values of innovation, quality awareness and continuity. Our employees bring these values to live auch day. Both the result and the way to it count for us. Clearly defined processes, professional project management and reporting are our guarantee for successful projects.Josef W. Karl | Founder of MicroNova

Of course, the commitment from management does not release employees from their obligation to play an active role – on the contrary: dedicated employees are involved in the compliance management system development process. In addition, regular training ensures that employees are made aware of the company-wide compliance policy, its role and its contribution to meeting the associated obligations and the effects of any violation.

MicroNova promotes all behaviors that support legal and regulatory compliance and does not tolerate any activities that interfere with this.


MicroNova is strictly committed to a values-based corporate governance code that extends throughout the entire supply chain. In doing so, we pay particular attention to the observance of internationally recognized human rights in our cooperation with partners and customers, including the avoidance of forced labor and human trafficking as well as child labor in accordance with ILO conventions; this also includes working conditions that protect physical and mental health. We create an environment free of discrimination and promote and demand equal opportunities..

Beyond the scope of legal requirements, we are dedicated to the continuous improvement of product safety, data protection, the fight against corruption and the prevention of money laundering, extortion or bribery. Fair competition and the avoidance of conflicts of interest are a matter of course for MicroNova. Furthermore, we are committed to environmental sustainability and social activities.


News: Whitepaper: Methodology of ECU virtualization of real hardware for software tests more

Press Release: Business development in Dachau: Insights into high-tech companies more

Career: Senior Software Entwickler (m/w/x) Java more

MicroNova - Contact

MicroNova AG
Unterfeldring 6
85256 Vierkirchen

    +49 8139 9300-0

» How to find us